(Italiano) Programmare con Lua – il libro
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Together with the new R3.5 firmware, I just published a new BASIC game, “Check mate” As you can intend by...
On may, 22, 1980 Pac-Man, one of the most successful arcade games ever was first published, so important that the...
On may 22, 1980, exactly 34 years ago, Namco published one of the best selling games of the videogames’ history,...
New version of my guide to program the ATtiny MCUs from Atmel with the last version of the new Arduino...
Do you know the Gundam Syndrome? Don’t smile, it really exists! Or maybe not… 🙂 The Gundam Syndrome is a...
I’ve released the new version 1.2.0 of the swRTC library that introduces the support for the internal Real-Time Counter (RTC) that is present...
Atmel has updated  its toolchain (the kit of executables and libraries need to compile fimrware for its microcontrollers) to version...
I’ve released the new version 1.0 of looper, my scheduler that doesn’t use timers to execute the user’s jobs: new...
If we want to light on an LED connected to a pin of our Arduino we know that in order...