I’m glad to announce that starting from today it is possible to automatically install all of my cores (core for ATmega644/1284, core for ATmega168/328, and core for ATtiny24/44/84-25/45/85-2313/4313) directly from the IDE 1.6.7 in few steps. The choose of the automatic installation grants you that if I update any of those cores it will be the IDE to inform you of the existence of the new release. Before to proceed, you have to remove the cores but you could have manually installed in the past, then start the IDE 1.6.7 and select “File/Preferences” from the menu.. Now go to the line “Additonal Boards Manager URLs” and press the icon to the right of the text area and insert the following line into the pop-up window:
Finally, click OK twice and then go to “Tools/Board/Boards Manager”. Wait for a couple of seconds for the boards manager to refresh the list of the additional boards, then scroll the list until you find the following entries:
- Atmega168P/328P Boards by Leonardo Miliani versione x.x.x
- Atmega644/644P/1284P Boards by Leonardo Miliani versione x.x.x
- ATtiny extra board by Leonardo Miliani versione x.x.x
Just select the core you want to install then press the corresponding “Install” button. At the end of the installation the core will be set and ready and the new boards will be available from “Tools/Board” without the need to restart the IDE. Enjoy!
Ho tentato invano di caricare il bootloader usando il tuo core aggiornato e l’ultima versione dell’IDE 1.6.7
Ho usato la board Arduino Uno, precaricando l’ArduinoIsp
Durante il caricamento del bootloader mi esce questo messaggio:
avrdude: verification error, first mismatch at byte 0x0000
0x3f != 0xff
Per cortesia mi potresti aiutare a risolvere il problema ?
Ti ringrazio
Ricontrolla i collegamenti, il circuito ed il tipo di chip selezionato.
ho rimesso mano ad un progetto che realizzai con la versione1.05 e i core con la cartella W40.
con la nuova versione non carico gli scetch scritti con la precedente, devo importare librerie, file config o altro?