It’s Autumn, so I’ve taken some time to check and clean the code of the firmware. What a useful time! I’ve discovered a lot of bugs into the last releases of the firmware:
- cursor management: I fixed some spare bugs, now the cursor shouldn’t appear anymore when the BASIC interpreter is in indirect mode and it isn’t asking any input to the user;
- SCREEN statement: I’ve fixed a bug that lead the cursor to appear again on the screen when the user changed the video mode, even in indirect mode;
- fixed several bugs in SOUND statement: now the user has to set the desired volume of the channel he/she will use before to play a tone (previously, the SOUND statement set the volume to 15 by default); fixed a bug that lead the sound manager to leave the tone generation active on a channel after the selected duration of the tone was expired because the previous release simply cut off the volume of the channel, not the tone reproduction;
- introduced the new command PAUSE that forces the interpreter to wait for a specific delay before to continue.
The latest release is marked R2.3: grab it now.